In the year 2030, Ted Mosby (voiced by Bob Saget) sits his daughter and son down to continue telling them the story of how he met their mother.
Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) and Robin Scherbatsky (Cobie Smulders) are now a couple, and a heartbroken Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel) tries to continue his life without Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan). Realizing she is not an artist, Lily returns to New York. She is reunited with Marshall, and the season culminates in their marriage. Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) loses a "slap bet," which permits Marshall to slap him in the face five times at any given time in the future, whenever Marshall chooses, which he does twice during this season. It is revealed that Barney has a gay, black brother (Wayne Brady). Barney believes that Bob Barker is his father and takes a trip to California to be a contestant on The Price Is Right. Everyone discovers Robin was a Canadian teen pop star in the early '90s (even though the video carries the style of the late '80s because the "80s didn't come to Canada until like '93"), with a hit single "Let's Go To The Mall". The music video is viewed by Barney hundreds of times.
In the season finale, Ted reveals to Barney that he and Robin have been broken up for some time due to their conflicting views on marriage. They didn't tell anyone in order to avoid taking attention away from Lily and Marshall's wedding. The season ends with Barney excited at the prospect of Ted and himself being single guys on the town again.
How I Met Your Mother (season 3)
In the year 2030, Ted Mosby (voiced by Bob Saget) sits his daughter and son down to continue telling them the story of how he met their mother.
Robin returns from her trip to Argentina and Ted must adjust to life as just her friend. Marshall and Lily decide to move out on their own, falling in love with a place they can't afford. Marshall learns of Lily's bad credit rating due to her compulsive shopping. Despite this, they are able to finally secure their dream apartment, only to discover it's in a bad location and more poorly constructed than they thought. Barney is slapped for the third time on Thanksgiving, which Marshall dubs "Slapsgiving." Ted tells his children that he met their mother through a story with her yellow umbrella. He finds the umbrella at a club and takes home after attending a St. Patrick's Day party (which Barney had forced him to go to) where his future wife was, although they did not meet. Ted attempts to woo Stella (Sarah Chalke), a dermatologist he sees to remove an embarrassing tattoo on his butt. Stella warns Ted she will say no if he asks her out on a date. However, after ten sessions with her, he turns the "no" into a "yes". This culminates in a memorable "two-minute date," which incorporates small talk, dinner, a movie, coffee, two (really short) cab rides, and a goodnight kiss, all within two minutes. Robin sleeps with Barney after he comforts her following a break-up, which is followed by Ted's disapproval and decision to stop being friends with Barney. Meanwhile, an unknown woman begins to sabotage Barney's attempts to hook up. His saboteur is revealed to be Abby (Britney Spears), Stella's receptionist, with a vendetta against him for not calling her after they had sex.
In the season finale, after Ted and Barney get into separate car accidents and end up in the hospital, they renew their friendship. It is revealed that Barney has true feelings for Robin, while Ted proposes to Stella.
Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) and Robin Scherbatsky (Cobie Smulders) are now a couple, and a heartbroken Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel) tries to continue his life without Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan). Realizing she is not an artist, Lily returns to New York. She is reunited with Marshall, and the season culminates in their marriage. Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) loses a "slap bet," which permits Marshall to slap him in the face five times at any given time in the future, whenever Marshall chooses, which he does twice during this season. It is revealed that Barney has a gay, black brother (Wayne Brady). Barney believes that Bob Barker is his father and takes a trip to California to be a contestant on The Price Is Right. Everyone discovers Robin was a Canadian teen pop star in the early '90s (even though the video carries the style of the late '80s because the "80s didn't come to Canada until like '93"), with a hit single "Let's Go To The Mall". The music video is viewed by Barney hundreds of times.
In the season finale, Ted reveals to Barney that he and Robin have been broken up for some time due to their conflicting views on marriage. They didn't tell anyone in order to avoid taking attention away from Lily and Marshall's wedding. The season ends with Barney excited at the prospect of Ted and himself being single guys on the town again.
How I Met Your Mother (season 3)
In the year 2030, Ted Mosby (voiced by Bob Saget) sits his daughter and son down to continue telling them the story of how he met their mother.
Robin returns from her trip to Argentina and Ted must adjust to life as just her friend. Marshall and Lily decide to move out on their own, falling in love with a place they can't afford. Marshall learns of Lily's bad credit rating due to her compulsive shopping. Despite this, they are able to finally secure their dream apartment, only to discover it's in a bad location and more poorly constructed than they thought. Barney is slapped for the third time on Thanksgiving, which Marshall dubs "Slapsgiving." Ted tells his children that he met their mother through a story with her yellow umbrella. He finds the umbrella at a club and takes home after attending a St. Patrick's Day party (which Barney had forced him to go to) where his future wife was, although they did not meet. Ted attempts to woo Stella (Sarah Chalke), a dermatologist he sees to remove an embarrassing tattoo on his butt. Stella warns Ted she will say no if he asks her out on a date. However, after ten sessions with her, he turns the "no" into a "yes". This culminates in a memorable "two-minute date," which incorporates small talk, dinner, a movie, coffee, two (really short) cab rides, and a goodnight kiss, all within two minutes. Robin sleeps with Barney after he comforts her following a break-up, which is followed by Ted's disapproval and decision to stop being friends with Barney. Meanwhile, an unknown woman begins to sabotage Barney's attempts to hook up. His saboteur is revealed to be Abby (Britney Spears), Stella's receptionist, with a vendetta against him for not calling her after they had sex.
In the season finale, after Ted and Barney get into separate car accidents and end up in the hospital, they renew their friendship. It is revealed that Barney has true feelings for Robin, while Ted proposes to Stella.
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