Back on the TV series The Vampire Diaries, which will be present to provide interesting stories in The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 21, entitled "The Sun Also Rises" and will be sent directly on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 20:00 CW. Let the meantime on what happened the last episode of The Vampire Diaries. In the previous episode of Vampire Diaries, which is episode 20 entitled "Last Day" discovered Elijah and Stefan far on how to save Elena being a victim of Klaus, while after Tyler and Jules came back to town and visited Tyler's mother in the hospital, kidnaps and Greta Maddox Caroline and Tyler and brought them to the grave. Damon went to the tomb to save Caroline to be removed, but beyond the grave, he met Maddox witch, but with Matt, Matt Maddox shooting a gun, and he was killed.
Caroline and Tyler exempted from being intercepted by a witch, but when they were outside the tomb of a sudden Tyler gradually evolves to become a wolf, because the full moon. Damon said Caroline Lockwood and Matt Damon to go to the old Summer occurred near Tyler and bitten by a wolf (Tyler) and his hands, but left to save. Stefan and Elena spent a romantic day together, after Klaus came and took Elena.
With the arrival of the full moon, Elena is preparing for what Klaus has in store for her, and Tyler is facing its second transformation. dangerous occurrences quickly escalate out of control, despite an unexpected act of courage. Damon reveals the truth about the news of the terrible Stefan development, they now face.
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